Selecting 8 bits Output Depth commands the Host Software to transform the image data
from the Kodak 12-bit processing space to 8-bit space before it is transferred into ADOBE
PHOTOSHOP or the image file is written to your hard drive (Scan to File feature).
Selecting 16 bits causes the data to be moved from 12-bit space to 16-bit space before
the data is sent to ADOBE PHOTOSHOP or to your hard drive. Note: if you select the
16 bits option and scan into ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, the memory allocation in
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP to hold the image data will be twice the allocation required
for an image produced using the 8 bits option. Similarly, the file created on your
hard drive using the Scan to File feature will be twice as large as a file created
using the 8 bits option.
Embed Output Profile
Checking this box will cause your Output Profile selection to be embedded into the image
file when performing the Scan to File option. It is not possible to embed the Output Profile
if you are scanning directly into ADOBE PHOTOSHOP.
Clicking this button will reset the Configuration Screen to the default settings seen in
Figure 4. You may not change the default settings.
Scan Profile
The location of the Scan Profile function has been moved to the lower left corner of the
Main Window. The Scan Profile operation has not been modified since the version 1.20
Host Software release. Custom Scan Profiles created with version 1.00 Host Software will
not operate correctly with version 2.10 Host Software. You should recreate those Scan
Profiles using this new software release.