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Maccaroni and minced meat casserole
with broccoli
150g maccaroni, 500ml water
1 tsp. salt, 1 onion, 1 clove of garlic
20g butter, 300g mixed mincemeat
(half pork, 1/2 beef)
1 packet of tomato purée with herbs
(approx. 350g)
400g broccoli, 4 tblsp. water
1 carton sour cream (200g)
150g sliced Gouda cheese semi-mature
Spices: salt, pepper
Fill 500ml water and 1 tsp. salt into a microwave
dish with lid and boil at full power 800 watts in
approx. 10minutes. Then add macaroni and cook
for 3–5 minutes at 600 watts and then at 300
watts for another 3–5 minutes. Then drain off in
a colander. Now braise the onion and the clove
of garlic with the butter in a microwave dish at 600
watts for approx. 4–5 minutes. Then add the mince-
meat and the tomato purée – cook again for 8–10
minutes at 600 watts. Stir in 3/4 carton of sour
cream and season with salt and pepper. Wash and
clean the broccoli and place it into a microwave
dish with 4 tblsp. water. Pre-cook with lid at 800
watts for aprox. 5 minutes, then allow to drain off.
Put the maccaroni, vegetables and mincemeat in
sauce into a casserole and mix. Distribute the remai-
ning 1/4 carton of sour cream over the top and co-
ver with cheese slices. Cook and gratinate with the
Grill/Combi function „C-2“ at 500 watts for ap-
prox. 16–18 minutes.
Filet of pork with mushrooms
in spicy paprika sauce
4 fillets of pork, each approx. 150g
350g white mushrooms
150g cubed bacon
2 cartons of cream (400ml)
2 tblsp. tomato purée
Spices: salt, pepper, paprika
Season the filets of pork and place them in a flat
casserole. Clean and halve the mushrooms and
put them into the casserole with the filets of pork.
Mix the cream, tomato purée and pap-rika in a mi-
crowave dish and boil at 600 watt for approx. 5–6
Then pour the sauce over the filets.
Cook and gratinate using the Grill/Combi function
„C-2“ at 300 watts for approx. 20–22 minutes.