12 GB/IE
Initial Operation
Vegetables Type Quantity Steaming time
Artichokes fresh 2-3, medium size 50 - 55 minutes
Asparagus fresh 400 g 15 - 20 minutes lay flat in steam tray
frozen 400 g 15 - 20 minutes criss-cross 2nd
layer to allow
steam flow
Beans, green fresh 400 g 25 - 30 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
frozen 400 g 35 - 40 minutes
Broccoli fresh 400 g 15 - 20 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
frozen 400 g 20 - 25 minutes
Brussels sprouts fresh 400 g 20 - 25 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
Cabbage fresh, chopped 400 g 35 - 40 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
Carrots fresh, sliced 400 g 20 - 25 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
Corn on the cob fresh, whole approx.
15 minutes
turn 180° halfway
through steaming
Cauliflower fresh, florets 400 g 15 - 20 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
frozen 400 g 20 - 25 minutes
Green squashes fresh, in slices 400 g 15 - 20 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
Mushrooms fresh 200 g 15 - 20 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
Peas frozen 400 g 15 - 20 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
Potatoes peeled and
900 g 25 - 30 minutes stir halfway through
steaming time
New potatoes fresh, whole 400 g 30 - 35 minutes
Spinach fresh 250 g 10 - 15 minutes
frozen 400 g 15 - 20 minutes
- Cut off thick stems from cauliflower, broccoli
and cabbage.
- Steam leafy, green vegetables for the shortest
possible time as they loose colour easily.
- Salt and season vegetables after steaming for
best results.
- Frozen vegetables need not be thawed before
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