bizhub PRO 1050/1050e Scanner 12-3
Appendix Chapter 12
Gateway Hardware or software serving as a point connecting
networks. Not only connecting, it converts the for-
mat, address, protocol, etc. of the data according to
the network to be connected.
Hard disk Mass storage device to save data.
The data is maintained even if the power is turned
Host name Name of a device on the network.
HTTP Abbreviation of HyperText Transfer Protocol. A pro-
tocol used to transmit or receive data between a web
server and client (web browser, etc.). Files of image,
voice, animation, etc. correlated with the document
can be exchanged including the expression form and
other information.
Install To incorporate the hardware, OS, application, printer
driver, etc. to a computer system.
IP address A code (address) to identify individual network devic-
es on the Internet. Comprises 4 sets of figures of 3
digits at the maximum such as An IP
address is allocated to all computers and other de-
vices connected to the Internet.
JPEG Abbreviation of Joint Photographic Experts Group.
One of file formats to save image data (extension:
Compression rate is approximately 1/10 to 1/100.
The compression system is remarkably effective to
compress photos or other natural images.
LAN Abbreviation of Local Area Network. A network con-
necting computers on the same floor, in the same
building, in the buildings nearby, etc.
Margin Blank on the top, bottom, right or left side of prints.
Memory Unit to save data temporarily.
Data in some memory is erased when the power is
turned OFF and not erased in others.
OS Abbreviation of Operating System. Basic software to
control the computer system. Windows, MacOS,
and Unix are examples.
PDF Abbreviation of Portable Document Format. One of
electronic documents (extension: .pdf) in the format
based on PostScript which can be accessed using
Adobe Reader, software free of charge.
Pixel Minimum unit constituting images.
POP Abbreviation of Post Office Protocol. A protocol to
receive electronic mails from a mail server. Currently,
POP3, version 3 of POP, is mainly used.
Port number Number to distinguish each communication port of
multiple processes working in the computers on the
network. A same port cannot be used for multiple
Item Description