Specifying Printer Driver Settings86
Printer Driver Settings
Parameters Settings
Brightness Specifies the brightness of the image as
-15%, -10%, -5%, 0%, 5%, 10%, or 15%.
The default setting is 0%.
Color Separation Specifies the color separation as On or Off.
The default setting is Off.
Economy Print Select whether or not economy printing is
The default setting is Off.
Edge Strength Set the edge strength to Off, Low, Middle or
The default setting is Middle.
Glossy Mode Select whether or not Glossy Mode is used.
The default setting is Off.
Manually Print on 2nd side Select whether or not to print on the back
side of paper that has already been printed
The default setting is Off.
Nearest Size and Scale If no paper tray contains paper of the speci-
fied size, the page is automatically enlarged
or reduced and paper of the most appropriate
size is selected.
The default setting is Off.
Offset Select whether or not printed pages are
The default setting is Off.
Output Tray Select the output tray for the staple finisher.
The default setting is Main Tray.
Resolution Displays the image resolution (High Quality)
for printing.