The volume of the audio signals and shutter FX can be increased or decreased in the section 2 of
the setup menu (p. 82).This affects the camera’s audio signals only and will not change the playback
levels of an audio track.
To conserve battery power, the camera will shut down if an operation is not made within a certain
period. To restore power, press the main switch.The length of the auto-power-off period can be
changed in section 2 of the setup menu (p. 82): 1, 3, 5, 10, or 30 minutes.The length of the auto-
power-off period is fixed at 10 minutes when the camera is connected to a computer.
When the shutter is released, a shutter sound effect will
give a positive confirmation of the operation.The sound
effect can be turned off in section 2 of the setup menu (p.
82).Two shutter effects are available; signal 1 is mechanical,
signal 2 is electrical. The mechanical shutter sound was
taken from the legendary Minolta CLE, a compact
rangefinder that represents the pinnacle of the development
of the Leitz-Minolta CL.