
Image-file names begin with “pict,” fol-
lowed by a four-digit file number, and a
jpg or avi extension.
Once the camera is connected to the computer, image files can be accessed by simply double click-
ing on icons. Copying images can be done by dragging and dropping the image-file icon into a loca-
tion in the computer. Never change image file names on the memory card or save data to the card
using a computer; it may hinder camera operation and cause malfunctions. Never format the memory
card from the computer; always use the camera to format the card.
The number in the image file name may not correspond to the frame number of the image. As
images are deleted on the camera, the frame counter will adjust itself to show the number of images
on the memory card and reassign the frame numbers accordingly.The index numbers on the image
files will not change when an image is deleted.When a new image is recorded, it will be assigned a
number one greater than the largest index number in the folder. File numbers can be controlled with
the file-number-memory function on the setup menu (p. 40).
When the index number in the image file name exceeds 9,999, a new folder will be created with a
number one greater than the greatest folder number on the memory card: e.g. from 100MLT07 to
101MLT07. When a DPOF file is created for a print order (p. 36), a misc. folder is automatically made
for the file.
Drive Icon
Still image
Movie clip
The last two digits in the folder
name indicate the camera that
was used to capture the
images; “07” indicates a
DiMAGE E203.
The misc. folder contains DPOF print files (p. 36).