Contact information
Neumarkter Str. 83
D-81673 München, Germany
Phone: +49 (089) 45 49 43 - 0
Fax: +49 (089) 45 49 43 - 11
Instrument Systems - Operating Globally, Acting Locally
Instrument Systems is the premier company for light measurement. As a subsidiary company of Konica Minolta we have access to
resources over the long term and to a global network – our mission is your solution, anytime and anywhere.
World-class customer support is rewarded with customer loyalty - a top priority at Instrument Systems.
101 Williams Drive
Ramsey, NJ 07446 USA
Phone: 201-236-4300
Toll Free: 888-473-2656
Fax: 201-785-2480
Konica Minolta Sensing Americas
Konica Minolta Sensing, Americas represents Instrument Systems in North America and Canada with a high level of expertise in marketing
optical measuring instruments. High-quality customer support is based on a track record of close cooperation and constant exchange of
information and know-how.