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with lots of back wall diffraction Just make sure there is enough (at least
cm) space from the side walls
Free standing placement requires some careful testing and adjustments but we
think that this effort is well worth the time spent
Ideally for the free space placement loudspeakers should be at least cm
from the back and side walls Due to the specific design of the driver’s high
frequency response curve it is recommended to toe in the brand new
loudspeakers inwards the listening position initially for  degrees As the
loudspeakers burn in and the sound opens up this toe in should be adjusted
and ideally it should get to  degrees for the most linear frequency
response in a typical listening room
Coming to the mention of the burn in process although there are discussions
as to whether this is some sort of placebo effect or a real change we stand at
the position that “Essence” needs some  hours for the initial burn in after
which the burn in process continues with decreased intensity for a number of
With some careful listening you will notice that the quality of the music from
your audio setup varies from time to time Without getting into complex
scientific explanations we need to warn you to effects of the room
temperature and the air humidity as some of the factors of importance not just
for the loudspeakers and how they act mechanically and acoustically but also
they are of importance in the mechanics of fluids thus affecting the behaviour
of the sound waves in your room
Fortunately enough the “Essence” loudspeaker drivers and the cabinets are
temperature and humidity much more stable than the most of the
loudspeakers in the market however not  immune to this occurrence
In order to have your loudspeakers both sounding and looking better over time
and not other way round a proper care should be taken in the maintenance
and the environment they are kept in