
Error messages > Caution
Error messages
Write Protect
While saving a song, you are trying to write over a write-pro-
tected file. The song has been previously copied from a PC,
and it had the write-protect attribute turned on while on the
computer’s disk. Change name to the song before repeating
the save operation.
Out of Memoy
The song is too long, and the memory has been filled out.
When the maximum memory capability has been reached, re-
cording is automatically stopped. Press EXIT to close this mes-
Maximum song length reached
A song can’t exceed 999 measures in length. When you reach
that limit, the recorder is automatically stopped. Please note
that recording can end earlier, if there is not enough memory
for all 999 measures to be recorded.
Loading Song
The song could not be loaded, for problems in file integrity,
excessive file size , or other errors.
USB Working
Wait please
Disconnecting the C-520 from the computer cannot be done
yet, since the computer is still working on the files. This may
happen when you press Enable, and then immediately after
Disable. Wait a little for the USB operation to complete.
Memory Full
The internal storage memory (the one preserved when turning
the instrument off, and seen when connecting the C-520 via
USB) is full, so you cannot save the song. To free some space,
you can either delete some songs by connecting the C-520 via
USB, or using the dedicated internal function (see “Erasing
songs from the User Song album” on page 57).
Invalid Name
Your song’s name is still blank (i.e., no characters were insert-
ed, or all characters were deleted). Assign a name to the song,
and try saving again.
Song Exists
The song already exists in the internal storage memory. If you
press +/YES the older version is deleted and replaced by the
new one. If you press -/NO or EXIT saving is canceled, and the
older version is preserved.
Record Mode
Not Allowed
You are trying to access recording on a protected song (i.e., all
the songs contained in albums different than UserSong). This
is not possible.
Song Modified
A new or modified song exists in memory, and has not yet
been saved. Press +/YES to save it, or -NO to cancel and aban-
don all changes. In this latter case, the song in memory will be
Sound Modified
The current sound or sound combination has been modified.
Press +/YES to save it, or -NO to cancel and abandon all
Perf. Modified
The current performance has been modified. Press +/YES to
save it, or -NO to cancel and abandon all changes.
Globals Modified
Global settings have been modified. Press +/YES to save it, or
-NO to cancel and abandon all changes.
Save Global
There was an error during save. Global settings have not been
Save Preset
There was an error during save. The sound or sound combina-
tion has not been saved (a preset is the common technical
name for sounds and sound combinations).
Save Midi
There was an error during save. Midi settings have not been
General Reset
Wait Please
You are resetting the internal data.
General Reset / nn%
This message shown the percentage of data being reset. Warn-
ing: Do not turn the instrument off while this message is in the