
Before you begin
The Pandora PX3 is the most powerful Personal Effects Processor ever produced.
Besides improving the existing features of the PX2, we’ve added a number of extremely
powerful features and functions, improved the quality of sound and created better and
more up-to-date programs. It is an extremely useful and easy to use tool for practicing
and recording contemporary and vintage guitar sounds.
You will get the most out of the Pandora PX3 “Quick Guide” by actually putting what
you have learned into use. The best way is to read a section of the guide and try the
feature and/or function at the same time. The sooner you try it the better you will retain
the information. The more you do it, the better you will retain the information.
Do not be afraid to edit the programs. As with any multi effects processor, the
possibilities are endless and you will achieve the tone you, (or better yet) your customer
is looking for. The factory preload data is easily reloaded. This function is in the last
section of this guide.