TYPE (+/– buttons) VALUE (value dial)
CHO1 Chorus Effect depth (1…30)
CHO2 Chorus
CHO3 Deep chorus
CHO4 Doubling chorus
VIB Vibrato with cyclic change in pitch
FLN1/2/3 Flanger (FLANGE1, 2, 3 differ in feedback amount)
FLN4 Flanger with inverted feedback
PHA1 Vintage-type phaser
Modulation speed (1…30)
PHA2 Phaser with strong peaks
PHA3 PHASER1 with inverted feedback
PHA4 PHASER2 with inverted feedback
TREM Tremolo
PAN Auto pan
AWAH1 Auto wah
Sensitivity (1…30)
AWAH2 Auto wah in opposite from AWAH1
FILT Fixed filter Frequency (1…30)
PIT1/2/3 Pitch shifter Amount of pitch shift (-24, -17,
(PITCH1, 2, 3 differ in the level of effect sound) -12...-1, -d, d, 1…12, 19, 24)
PIT4 Pitch shifter with effect sound and dry sound split left, right (d = detune)