3 Overview
The Kramer FC-42 is a high performance converter for high definition (HD)
component video (Y, PB, PR). It converts the component video input
(Y, PB, PR) to HD-SDI on two BNC output connectors. The signal is also converted
to an RGB/HV signal on a 15-pin HD computer graphics video connector.
In addition, the FC-42 features:
HDTV compatibility
Multi-standard operation: SDI (SMPTE 259M and SMPTE 344M) & HD−SDI
(SMPTE 292M)
HD resolutions of 720p and 1080i (up to 60Hz) & 1080p (up to 30Hz)
Bi−level and tri−level sync input
No resolution conversion
ProcAmp control with memory for 16 setups
A test pattern generator with eight patterns
Control using the front panel with LCD display and RS−232
A worldwide power supply - 100−240V AC
Standard 19” rack mount size of 1U with included rack “ears”
3.1 Defining the FC-42 Component to HD-SDI Converter
This section defines the FC-42.