
Communication Protocols
Global setups store and recall the current status of the switcher. Examples:
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher <esc>P14<CR> Start recording setup 14
Response From Switcher Write Setup 14 Ready<CR><LF> Started recording…
Command To Switcher 1*3! A&V input 1 tied to out 3
Response From Switcher 7*8% Vid input 7 tied to out 8
Command To Switcher <esc>p<CR> Done Recording
Response From Switcher End Write Setup 14<CR><LF> Saved Setup 14
Command To Switcher <esc>.<CR> Recalls the setup
Response From Switcher Rpr14<CR><LF> Recalled setup 14
“Video Mute Commands”:
Request: <output>*1B
Response: Vmt<output>*1<CR><LF>
Action: Mutes specified output video (video off)
Request: <output>*0B
Response: Vmt<output>*0<CR><LF>
Action: Disables Mute specified output video (video on)
Request: <output>*B
Response: <on/off><CR><LF>
Action: Request video mute state of a specified output
Request: <on/off>*B
Response: Vmt1<CR><LF>
Action: Mutes / un-mutes all Video outputs
Controls muting and un-muting video outputs. Examples:
Command Meaning
Command To Switcher 2*1B Mute output 2 video (video off)
Response From Switcher Vmt2*1<CR><LF> Output 2 video off
Command To Switcher 1*B Mute all video (global)
Response From Switcher Vmt1 All video muted
“Audio Mute Commands”:
Request: <output>*1Z
Response: Amt<output>*1<CR><LF>
Action: Mutes specified output audio (audio off)