We advise you to use very fresh milk.
The milk and its recipient must be cold, ideally between 6 and 10 °C.
We therefore advise you against putting the recipient under hot water before using it.
Check that the steam
nozzle is correctly fit-
Pour the milk into your
milk jug. Only half fill it.
Immerse the nozzle in the
Press the “steam” key
and follow the
instructions on the
Once your milk is frothy
again press the “steam”
key to stop the cycle.
To remove any remaining
milk from the steam
nozzle, place a recipient
under the nozzle and press
the “steam” key .
Let the steam escape for
at least 10 seconds and
then again press the
“steam” key to stop
steam generation.
To interrupt the steam function, just press any key.
If the nozzle is blocked, clean it out with a fine needle.
The maximum duration for production of steam per cycle is limited to 2 minutes.
The auto-cappuccino accessory makes it easy to prepare a cappuccino
or a caffe latte. It comprises a special nozzle with two-positions /
markings and a brushed stainless steel milk jug and tubes.
Just join the various components to each other (photo on left) and put
your cup or glass under the autocappuccino nozzle.
To prevent the milk drying on the auto-cappuccino accessory, be sure to clean it with a moist cloth.
You are advised to wash it immediately by running a cycle with water to clean the inside.
XS 6000
You can remove the steam nozzle for thorough cleaning. Wash it
using a brush with water and a little non-abrasive washing up
liquid. Rinse and dry it. Before re-fitting, make certain that the air
inlet holes are not clogged by milk residues. Clean out the holes
with a needle if necessary.
While the screen displays the drink selection menu, press the “hot water” key .
A message will invite you to place a recipient under the steam nozzle. Again press
the “hot water” key to produce hot water.
To interrupt the steam function, just press any key.
If the nozzle is blocked, clean it out with a fine needle.
The maximum amount of hot water per cycle is limited to 300 ml.
FALCON DISPLAY ANGLAIS 26/10/05 8:56 Page 8
Da prekinete funkciju pare, pritisnite bilo koju tipku. Ako je cjevčica slučajno blokirana, očistite je iglom. Maksimalno
korištenje pare u jednom procesu je ograničeno na 2 minute.
Ispiranje je najbolje započeti kada uređaj nije korišten određeno vrijeme.
Dodaci za auto-capuccino olakšavaju pripremanje capuccino ili kave
s mlijekom. Opremljeni su specijalnom cjevčicom sa dvije pozicije /
označavanje i čelične posude za mlijeko i cjevčice.
Samo postavite komponente jednu na drugu (slika lijevo) i postavite Vašu
šalicu ili čašu ispod auto-capuccino cjevčice.
Provjerite da li je
cjevčica za paru
pravilno namještena.
...ponovo pritisnite
„Steam“ (__ ) tipku da
zaustavite paru.
Kada je Vaše mlijeko
dovoljno kremasto...
Aktivirajte „steam“
(___) tipku prateći
upute na zaslonu.
Ulijte mlijeko u posudu za
mlijeko. Napunite samo
do pola. Cjevčicu za paru
uronite u mlijeko.
Da biste uklonili ostatke
mlijeka sa cjevčice,
postavite posudu ispod
cjevčice i pritisnite „steam“
(___) tipku.
Za što bolje čišćenje, cjevčica može biti odstranjena sa uređaja.
Očistite je vodom, neabrazivnom tekućinom i četkicom. Isperite i
osušite. Prije postavljanja na mjesto, provjerite da li su rupice za
zrak prohodne. Očistite ih iglom ako je potrebno.
Pustite da para teče oko 10
sekundi i ponovo pritisnite
„steam“ (___) tipku da
zaustavite proces.
Da prekinete funkciju pare, pritisnite bilo koju tipku. Ako je cjevčica slučajno blokirana, očistite je iglom. Maksimalan
kapacitet vode u jednom procesu je ograničen na 300 ml.
Da biste izbjegli da se mlijeko osuši na ovim dodacima, očistite ih vlažnom krpom. Savjetujemo Vam da očistite
aparat funkcijom ispiranja.
Dok zaslon prikazuje izbor kava, pritisnite „hot water“ tipku (___). Poruka će Vas pitati
da postavite posudu ispod cjevčice za paru. Pritisnite „hot water“ (___) tipku ponovo da
pokrenete vrelu vodu.