Press the button, wait for the end of pre-heating and perform a rinsing operation if you wish.
You can change the
volume of water at any
time using the rotating
Use the rotating button
to select your drink and
confirm by pressing the
OK key.
The drink selection
menu will be displayed.
The ground coffee is first moistened with a little hot water after the grinding stage.
A few moments later, percolation as such starts.
You can use your appliance to make 2 cups of coffee or espresso. Remember not to remove the cups after the first cycle.
You have now prepared your appliance. The drink select menu will be displayed.
Put two cups under the cof-
fee outlets.
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Put a cup under the coffee
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Select your drink and confirm by
clicking twice on the OK key. A
message will appear to tell you
that you have chosen two cups.
If the tray is full or the water tank is empty while preparing the first coffee, the second cycle will not be run.
You will then have to restart your second cycle after you have seen to things.
The appliance will
automatically sequence 2
complete coffee-making
To stop coffee flowing into the cup, you can either again press a key or turn the rotating button to reduce
x 2
There is a temperature setting function to control how hot your coffee is (see Settings).
Steam froths up the milk to make a cappuccino or a caffe latte, for example, and also heats up liquids. As you need a higher
temperature to produce steam than to make an espresso, the appliance runs an additional pre-heating phase for steam.
While the screen displays the drink selection menu, press the “steam” key . A screen
will inform you that the appliance is being pre-heated. Once the pre-heating phase has
been completed, a message will ask you to place a recipient under the steam nozzle.
Press the “steam” key again to start generating steam. A little water will be produced
first and then steam will start. Use the same key to stop steam generation.
FALCON DISPLAY ANGLAIS 26/10/05 8:56 Page 7
Izbor kave će biti
prikazan na zaslonu
Postavite šalicu ispod
cjevčica za kavu. Možete
podići ili spustiti cjevčice,
ovisno o veličini šalice.
Koristite rotirajuću tipku
da odaberete kavu
koju želite i potvrdite
pritiskom na „OK“ tipku.
Količinu vode možete
promijeniti bilo kada
koristeći rotirajuću
Ako je spremnik korištene kave pun ili ako je spremnik za vodu prazan prilikom pripremanja prve kave, slijedeće
mljevenje neće početi. Drugo mljevenje može započeti nakon što ste ispraznili spremnik korištene kave ili nakon što
ste dopunili spremnik za vodu.
Postavite dvije šalice ispod
cjevčica za kavu. Možete
podići ili spustiti cjevčice za
kavu ovisno od veličine šalica.
Izaberite kavu i potvrdite pritiskom
na „OK“ tipku.Pojaviće se poruka
na zaslonu da potvrdi da ste
izabrali dvije šalice kave.
Aparat će automatski
završiti 2 ciklusa pravljenja
Možete koristiti aparat da pripremate dvije šalice kave ili espressa. Zapamtite da ne pomičete šalice nakon prvog mljevenja.
Pripremili ste aparat i izbor kave će biti prikazan na zaslonu.
Para zagrijava mlijeko za pravljenje capuccina ili kave s mlijekom ili za zagrijavanje tekućine. Ako želite višu temperaturu nego što je
temperatura Vaše kave, uređaj posjeduje sustav predzagrijavanja pare.
Dok zaslon prikazuje izbor kava, pritisnite „steam“ tipku (___). Uređaj će Vas obavijestiti da je
proces zagrijavanja u tijeku. Kada je zagrijavanje završeno, poruka će Vas pitati da postavite
posudu ispod cjevčice za paru. Pritisnite „Steam“ (___) tipku ponovo. Najprije će isteći malo
vode, a zatim para. Istom tipkom prekidate proces.
Pritisnite O tipku, pričekajte da se zagrijavanje aparata završi i pristupite funkciji ispiranja ako želite.
You can change the
volume of water at any
time using the rotating
Use the rotating button
to select your drink and
confirm by pressing the
OK key.
The drink selection
menu will be displayed.
The ground coffee is first moistened with a little hot water after the grinding stage.
A few moments later, percolation as such starts.
Your appliance enables you to prepare 2 cups of coffee or espresso for the following 3 kinds of drink :
espresso / strong espresso / coffee. For "Large coffee" drinks, the 2-cup function is not available.
Remember not to remove the cups after the first cycle.
You have now prepared your appliance. The drink select menu will be displayed.
Put two cups under the cof-
fee outlets.
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Put a cup under the coffee
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Select your drink and confirm by
clicking twice on the OK key. A
message will appear to tell you
that you have chosen two cups.
The appliance will
automatically sequence 2
complete coffee-making
To stop coffee flowing into the cup, you can either again press a key or turn the rotating button to reduce
x 2
There is a temperature setting function to control how hot your coffee is (see Settings).
Press the button, wait for the end of pre-heating and perform a rinsing operation if you wish.
Each time you plug your machine in, it will carry out an initialisation cycle.
The amount of water required for a coffee is between 80 and 120 ml.
The amount of water required for a long coffee is between 120 and 240 ml. The machine automatically carries out a double
cycle, do not remove your cup before the process has ended.
(that is around 15 seconds after the coffee has finished dripping through).
DISPLAY-ANGL(est)25-02:Mise en page 1 27/02/08 12:20 Page 6
Press the button, wait for the end of pre-heating and perform a rinsing operation if you wish.
You can change the
volume of water at any
time using the rotating
Use the rotating button
to select your drink and
confirm by pressing the
OK key.
The drink selection
menu will be displayed.
The ground coffee is first moistened with a little hot water after the grinding stage.
A few moments later, percolation as such starts.
You can use your appliance to make 2 cups of coffee or espresso. Remember not to remove the cups after the first cycle.
You have now prepared your appliance. The drink select menu will be displayed.
Put two cups under the cof-
fee outlets.
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Put a cup under the coffee
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Select your drink and confirm by
clicking twice on the OK key. A
message will appear to tell you
that you have chosen two cups.
If the tray is full or the water tank is empty while preparing the first coffee, the second cycle will not be run.
You will then have to restart your second cycle after you have seen to things.
The appliance will
automatically sequence 2
complete coffee-making
To stop coffee flowing into the cup, you can either again press a key or turn the rotating button to reduce
x 2
There is a temperature setting function to control how hot your coffee is (see Settings).
Steam froths up the milk to make a cappuccino or a caffe latte, for example, and also heats up liquids. As you need a higher
temperature to produce steam than to make an espresso, the appliance runs an additional pre-heating phase for steam.
While the screen displays the drink selection menu, press the “steam” key . A screen
will inform you that the appliance is being pre-heated. Once the pre-heating phase has
been completed, a message will ask you to place a recipient under the steam nozzle.
Press the “steam” key again to start generating steam. A little water will be produced
first and then steam will start. Use the same key to stop steam generation.
FALCON DISPLAY ANGLAIS 26/10/05 8:56 Page 7
Mljevena kava je najprije ovlažena vrelom vodom nakon mljevenja. Par trenutaka kasnije, filtriranje počinje.
Da biste zaustavili proces pravljenja kave, možete ponovo pritisnuti tipku ili okrenuti rotirajuću tipku.
Postoji i funkcija podešavanja temperature kave. (Pogledajte „Postavke“).
Pull out and fill the
water tank.
Put it back in place by
pressing firmly and
close the lid again.
Open the coffee bean
container lid. Add the
coffee beans (250 g
Close the coffee bean
container lid again.
Make certain that no foreign body like grit that may be found in the coffee beans has got into the container.
Any damage due to foreign bodies that have got into the coffee container is outside the warranty.
Do not put water into the coffee bean container.
Remember to fit the drip tray to avoid waste water flowing onto the work surface and staining it or scalding you.
Do not fill the water tank with hot water, mineral water, milk or any other liquid. If you turn on the appliance when the
water tank is not in place or not correctly filled (under the “min.” level,), the “fill water tank” light will come on and
making an espresso or a cup of coffee will be made impossible.
Never put ground coffee in the coffee container.
When you first use your appliance, it will ask you to
set several parameters. If you disconnect your
appliance, you will again be asked for some of these
Use the rotating button
to choose a language
(highlighted). Press the
OK key to validate.
Press “On / Off” to turn
your appliance on.
Follow the instructions
that appear on the
“choice of language”
Use the rotating button to select a function, increase or reduce values. Confirm your choice using the OK key.
The appliance will ask you to set:
Measurement unit
Water hardness
You can select your chosen language from those offered.
Choose either ml or oz as your measurement unit
You must set the date.
You can choose between 12 hour or 24 hour time display.
You can choose the period after which your appliance will stop
automatically, from 30 minutes to 4 hours by 30 minute increments.
You can automatically start pre-heating of your appliance at your
chosen time.
You must set your water hardness between 0 and 4. See “Water
hardness measurement” section.
You must indicate whether a filter is fitted or not (Claris – Aqua
Filter System cartridge)
FALCON DISPLAY ANGLAIS 26/10/05 8:56 Page 5
NE ODVAJAJTE SPREMNIK VODE PRIJE ZAVRŠETKA CIKLUSA (otprilike 15 s nakon što je kava prestala istjecati).
Press the button, wait for the end of pre-heating and perform a rinsing operation if you wish.
You can change the
volume of water at any
time using the rotating
Use the rotating button
to select your drink and
confirm by pressing the
OK key.
The drink selection
menu will be displayed.
The ground coffee is first moistened with a little hot water after the grinding stage.
A few moments later, percolation as such starts.
You can use your appliance to make 2 cups of coffee or espresso. Remember not to remove the cups after the first cycle.
You have now prepared your appliance. The drink select menu will be displayed.
Put two cups under the cof-
fee outlets.
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Put a cup under the coffee
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Select your drink and confirm by
clicking twice on the OK key. A
message will appear to tell you
that you have chosen two cups.
If the tray is full or the water tank is empty while preparing the first coffee, the second cycle will not be run.
You will then have to restart your second cycle after you have seen to things.
The appliance will
automatically sequence 2
complete coffee-making
To stop coffee flowing into the cup, you can either again press a key or turn the rotating button to reduce
x 2
There is a temperature setting function to control how hot your coffee is (see Settings).
Steam froths up the milk to make a cappuccino or a caffe latte, for example, and also heats up liquids. As you need a higher
temperature to produce steam than to make an espresso, the appliance runs an additional pre-heating phase for steam.
While the screen displays the drink selection menu, press the “steam” key . A screen
will inform you that the appliance is being pre-heated. Once the pre-heating phase has
been completed, a message will ask you to place a recipient under the steam nozzle.
Press the “steam” key again to start generating steam. A little water will be produced
first and then steam will start. Use the same key to stop steam generation.
FALCON DISPLAY ANGLAIS 26/10/05 8:56 Page 7
Izbor kave će biti
prikazan na zaslonu
Postavite šalicu ispod
cjevčica za kavu. Možete
podići ili spustiti cjevčice,
ovisno o veličini šalice.
Koristite rotirajuću tipku
da odaberete kavu
koju želite i potvrdite
pritiskom na „OK“ tipku.
Količinu vode možete
promijeniti bilo kada
koristeći rotirajuću
Mljevena kava je najprije ovlažena vrelom vodom nakon mljevenja. Par trenutaka kasnije, filtriranje počinje.
Ako je spremnik korištene kave pun ili ako je spremnik za vodu prazan prilikom pripremanja prve kave, slijedeće
mljevenje neće početi. Drugo mljevenje može započeti nakon što ste ispraznili spremnik korištene kave ili nakon što
ste dopunili spremnik za vodu.
Da biste zaustavili proces pravljenja kave, možete ponovo pritisnuti tipku ili okrenuti rotirajuću tipku.
Postavite dvije šalice ispod
cjevčica za kavu. Možete
podići ili spustiti cjevčice za
kavu ovisno od veličine šalica.
Izaberite kavu i potvrdite pritiskom
na „OK“ tipku.Pojaviće se poruka
na zaslonu da potvrdi da ste
izabrali dvije šalice kave.
Aparat će automatski
završiti 2 ciklusa pravljenja
Postoji i funkcija podešavanja temperature kave. (Pogledajte „Podešavanja“).
Možete koristiti aparat da pripremate dvije šalice kave ili espressa. Zapamtite da ne pomičete šalice nakon prvog mljevenja.
Pripremili ste aparat i izbor kave će biti prikazan na zaslonu.
Para zagrijava mlijeko za pravljenje cappuccina ili kave s mlijekom ili za zagrijavanje tekućine. Ako želite višu temperaturu nego što
je temperatura Vaše kave, uređaj posjeduje sustav predzagrijavanja pare.
Dok zaslon prikazuje izbor kava, pritisnite „steam“ tipku (___). Uređaj će Vas obavijestiti da je
proces zagrijavanja u tijeku. Kada je zagrijavanje završeno, poruka će Vas pitati da postavite
posudu ispod cjevčice za paru. Pritisnite „Steam“ (___) tipku ponovo. Najprije će isteći malo
vode, a zatim para. Istom tipkom prekidate proces.
Pritisnite O tipku, pričekajte da se zagrijavanje aparata završi i pristupite funkciji ispiranja ako želite.
Press the button, wait for the end of pre-heating and perform a rinsing operation if you wish.
You can change the
volume of water at any
time using the rotating
Use the rotating button
to select your drink and
confirm by pressing the
OK key.
The drink selection
menu will be displayed.
The ground coffee is first moistened with a little hot water after the grinding stage.
A few moments later, percolation as such starts.
You can use your appliance to make 2 cups of coffee or espresso. Remember not to remove the cups after the first cycle.
You have now prepared your appliance. The drink select menu will be displayed.
Put two cups under the cof-
fee outlets.
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Put a cup under the coffee
You can lower or raise the
coffee outlets to suit the
size of your cups.
Select your drink and confirm by
clicking twice on the OK key. A
message will appear to tell you
that you have chosen two cups.
If the tray is full or the water tank is empty while preparing the first coffee, the second cycle will not be run.
You will then have to restart your second cycle after you have seen to things.
The appliance will
automatically sequence 2
complete coffee-making
To stop coffee flowing into the cup, you can either again press a key or turn the rotating button to reduce
x 2
There is a temperature setting function to control how hot your coffee is (see Settings).
Steam froths up the milk to make a cappuccino or a caffe latte, for example, and also heats up liquids. As you need a higher
temperature to produce steam than to make an espresso, the appliance runs an additional pre-heating phase for steam.
While the screen displays the drink selection menu, press the “steam” key . A screen
will inform you that the appliance is being pre-heated. Once the pre-heating phase has
been completed, a message will ask you to place a recipient under the steam nozzle.
Press the “steam” key again to start generating steam. A little water will be produced
first and then steam will start. Use the same key to stop steam generation.
FALCON DISPLAY ANGLAIS 26/10/05 8:56 Page 7
Izbor kave će biti
prikazan na zaslonu
Postavite šalicu ispod
cjevčica za kavu. Možete
podići ili spustiti cjevčice,
ovisno o veličini šalice.
Koristite rotirajuću tipku
da odaberete kavu
koju želite i potvrdite
pritiskom na „OK“ tipku.
Količinu vode možete
promijeniti bilo kada
koristeći rotirajuću
Mljevena kava je najprije ovlažena vrelom vodom nakon mljevenja. Par trenutaka kasnije, filtriranje počinje.
Ako je spremnik korištene kave pun ili ako je spremnik za vodu prazan prilikom pripremanja prve kave, slijedeće
mljevenje neće početi. Drugo mljevenje može započeti nakon što ste ispraznili spremnik korištene kave ili nakon što
ste dopunili spremnik za vodu.
Da biste zaustavili proces pravljenja kave, možete ponovo pritisnuti tipku ili okrenuti rotirajuću tipku.
Postavite dvije šalice ispod
cjevčica za kavu. Možete
podići ili spustiti cjevčice za
kavu ovisno od veličine šalica.
Izaberite kavu i potvrdite pritiskom
na „OK“ tipku.Pojaviće se poruka
na zaslonu da potvrdi da ste
izabrali dvije šalice kave.
Aparat će automatski
završiti 2 ciklusa pravljenja
Postoji i funkcija podešavanja temperature kave. (Pogledajte „Podešavanja“).
Možete koristiti aparat da pripremate dvije šalice kave ili espressa. Zapamtite da ne pomičete šalice nakon prvog mljevenja.
Pripremili ste aparat i izbor kave će biti prikazan na zaslonu.
Para zagrijava mlijeko za pravljenje cappuccina ili kave s mlijekom ili za zagrijavanje tekućine. Ako želite višu temperaturu nego što
je temperatura Vaše kave, uređaj posjeduje sustav predzagrijavanja pare.
Dok zaslon prikazuje izbor kava, pritisnite „steam“ tipku (___). Uređaj će Vas obavijestiti da je
proces zagrijavanja u tijeku. Kada je zagrijavanje završeno, poruka će Vas pitati da postavite
posudu ispod cjevčice za paru. Pritisnite „Steam“ (___) tipku ponovo. Najprije će isteći malo
vode, a zatim para. Istom tipkom prekidate proces.
Pritisnite O tipku, pričekajte da se zagrijavanje aparata završi i pristupite funkciji ispiranja ako želite.