Care and Maintenance
Main Charger Printer panel message Average life
Fuser unit
57,000 pages
(with pre-installed Oil
Warning FK-81
Supply Roll and Cleaning Pad) Fuser KIT
Fuser unit must soon be replaced.
60,000 pages
Replace FK-81
Fuser KIT
Fuser unit must now be replaced.
Oil Supply Roll
14,500 pages
(with pre-installed
Warning OS-81
Cleaning Pad) Oil supply roll
Oil Supply Roll and Cleaning Pad must
soon be replaced.
15,000 pages
Replace OS-81
Oil supply roll
Oil Supply Roll and Cleaning Pad must
now be replaced.
Transfer unit 80,000 pages
Warning TR-81
Transfer roller
Transfer unit must soon be replaced.
Cleaning Pad 15,000 pages
Warning CP-81
Fuser clean pad
Cleaning Pad must soon be replaced.
Main Charger Monochrome
Warning MC-81 30,000 pages
Main Charger or
Main Charger must soon be replaced. 7,500 pages
Transparencies, coated paper, and other specialty media will result in shortening the life of a
consumable. When replacing the fuser unit, replace the oil supply roll as well. Do not insert the
used oil supply roll into the new fuser unit.