Troubleshooting 6-9
This message is displayed when the Job Accounting function is enabled and an
attempt has been made to exceed the print limit set for each account. To return
the printer to the print-ready status, press [OK].
For more information, refer to Job Accounting (Job Accounting settings) on
page 4-86.
The hard disk installed in the printer is not formatted, and therefore cannot be
read or written.
The memory card inserted in the printer is not formatted, and therefore cannot
be read or written. To format a memory card, follow the procedure in Format
Mem. Card (Formatting the memory card) on page 4-69.
A hard disk error has occurred. Look at the error code given in place of ## and
refer to Storage Error Codes on page 6-15. To ignore the hard disk error, press
Replace Maintenance Kit which is displayed on the message display.
Replacement of the maintenance kit is necessary at every 300,000 images of
printing and requires professional servicing. Contact your service technician.
Printing using the Job Box function failed because there was insufficient space
available on the hard disk or RAM disk, or because the RAM disk was disabled
when demounting the hard disk. To print an error report and return the printer to
the print-ready status, press [OK].
This message is displayed when printing was attempted, despite the Job
Account function being on with Restriction applied as the job limit for each job
To return the printer to the print-ready status, press [OK].
For more information, refer to Job Accounting (Job Accounting settings) on
page 4-86.
Message Corrective Action
Job Accounting
restriction exceeded.
Press [OK].
Format the hard disk.
Format memory card.
Hard disk error.
Press [OK].
Replace MK.
Job not stored.
Press [OK].
Restricted by
Job Accounting.
Press [OK].