First Print Time Color 7.9 seconds or less
Monochrome 5.9 seconds or less
Resolution 600 dpi
Monthly Duty Average 15,000 pages
Maximum 100,000 pages
Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
Microsoft Windows NT4.0
Apple Macintosh OS 9
Apple Macintosh OS X
Controller PowerPC750GL-800MHz
Memory Standard 256 MB
Maximum 1024 MB (512 MB x 2)
Interface Standard USB: Hi-Speed USB
Parallel: IEEE1284
Network: 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
KUIO-LV slot
Option IB-11: Serial
IB-20: 10BASE2/10BASE-T/100BASE-TX
Temperature 10 - 32.5 °C (50 - 90.5 °F)
Relative Humidity 15 - 80%RH
Altitude 2,000 m (6547 feet) maximum
Illumination 1,500 lux maximum
Dimensions 605 × 660 × 597 mm
23.8 × 26 × 23.3"
Weight (without toner container) Approx. 80 kg (176 lbs)
Operating noise (in accordance with
ISO7779 [Bystander Position, sound
pressure level at the front])
During printing (Color): LpA = 53.7dB (A)
During printing (Monochrome): LpA = 53.3 dB (A)
During standby: LpA = 43.8 dB (A)
During sleep mode: immeasurably low
Item Description