“On when earpiece up” causes
the backlight to turn on (and
remain on) only when the
earpiece is up. “Always on”
means that the backlight is on
whether the earpiece is up or
down. Choosing “always on”
significantly increases
battery drain. “Always off”
means that the backlight is
never on.
2 Banner A banner enables you to
personalize your phone by
displaying your name, for
example. Enter the banner (up
to 12 characters) that will
display on the top line when the
phone powers up and when it is
in standby. Press under
[EDIT] to make changes to the
existing banner. Enter the
characters the same way you do
for the phone book.
3 Show Time Choose whether to display date
and time. Possible settings:
“yes,” “no.”
4 Auto Hyphen Possible settings: “on,” “off.”
When on, automatically inserts
hyphens to be consistent with
U.S. phone numbers.