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We expect that IBM will come out with its own versions
of the Lexmark C622/C624 families in the near future to
eplace this model.
Chart entry — page 83
IBM Infoprint Color 1534n
IBM Infoprint Color 1534dn
20ppm full color
20ppm black & white
Same Machines as the discontinued Lexmark C524 family
Chart entries — page 83
IBM Infoprint Color 1654n Express
IBM Infoprint Color 1654dn Express
25ppm full color
25ppm black & white
Same Machines as the Lexmark C770 family
Chart entries — page 84
IBM Infoprint Color 1664n
IBM Infoprint Color 1664dn
25ppm full color
25ppm b
k & white
Same Machines as the Lexmark C772 family
t entries — pa
ges 84–85
IBM Infoprint Color 1567
32ppm full color
36ppm black & white
Same Machine as the Lexmark C920
t entry — pa
ge 85
Mobile, AL
800 523 2696
Vendor Profile
Konica Minolta’s printer division has made its mark by
selling affordable color printers to small businesses and
home users through major retail chains.
Konica Minolta is the company that resulted from the
merger of two Japanese imaging companies, Konica and
Minolta. The main thrust of the company is copiers and
cameras, but the company does sell office laser printers,
both black-and-white and color. These printers were
developed by the Minolta division known until recently
as Minolta QMS, a business that was formed in 1999
when Minolta acquired Alabama-based QMS, an
American vendor of laser printers.
Konica Minolta’s printer group is housed at the former
QMS headquarters in Alabama. The company is starting
to distribute printers through Konica Minolta office
equipment dealers, where they also sell copiers, faxes,
and multifunctional machines. For at least some of their
models, the company has also started to move into cata-
log sales and Internet retailing. Konica Minolta sells its
printers through computer-industry channels. In the US
market for color laser printers, Konica Minolta is now a
presence to be reckoned with.
Note that, in an unusual move, Konica Minolta’s main
copier division has also released a copier-based printer,
the C250P, which is sold through a different part of the
Product Profiles
Konica Minolta magicolor 2500W
Konica Minolta magicolor 2530 DL
Konica Minolta magicolor 2550 EN
Konica Minolta magicolor 2550 DN
5ppm full color
20ppm black & white
Low-cost printers with basic functions.
The new magicolor 2500 printers are replacements for
the discontinued magicolor 2400 models. They print at
the same speeds as their pr
edecessors — 20ppm in black-
and-white and 5ppm in color. In fact, they are very simi-
lar to the 2400 mac
the major dif
ence being their
h in the cases of
the 2500W and 2530 DL is
$100 cheaper than the printers they replaced.
Blazing speed is not what these machines are about.
However, they do offer black-and-white printing with a
little bit of color for an affordable price.
hough essentiall
y the same printer
these thr
ee models
add features progressively, justifying the differences in
price. All have an estimated monthly duty cycle of 35,000
pages. They all use the same consumables, with black
pages costing about 2.3¢, color pages 12.3¢. These are not
cheap, but they aren’t bad at the low end of the market.
he $299 ma
gicolor 2500W is a v
y basic printer. It
has 200 sheets of input only and 200 sheets of output,
Better Buys for Business