92 Using Tools and Playing Games
Tip Calculator
The Tip Calculator helps you calculate how much tip to include on a bill.
1. Select jÉåì → qççäë=C=d~ãÉë=→ qáé `~äÅìä~íçê.
2. Enter the amount of your bill and press .
3. Select the amount you want to include as a tip (15%, 18%, 20%, 10%,
5%, Other) and press . Your total bill appears, including tip.
4. If you want to split the bill, press right and press to select péäáíK
5. Enter the number of guests and press .
The amount each guest pays appears.
Use the calculator for basic mathematical equations.
1. Select jÉåì → qççäë=C=d~ãÉë=→ `~äÅìä~íçê.
2. Use the keypad to enter numbers.
3. Press to select mathematical operations.
= equal + add x multiply
÷ divide - subtract . decimal point