Chapter 3 Using the Operator Panel
Items and values on the status page may vary depending on the
printer’s firmware version.
1 Software Version
This information shows the firmware version and date of is-
sue of the printer.
2 Hardware Information
This information shows various printer settings, such as the
size and type of the paper in the paper cassettes.
3 Memory
This shows the amount of total memory installed in the print-
er, the amount of currently available memory, and the current
status of the RAM disk. See Setting RAM Disk Size on
page 3-34.
4 Page Information
This shows the print resolution, number of copies, and the to-
tal page count.
5 Installed Options
This shows the option(s) installed in the printer.
6 Network Status
This shows the IP address, Subnet Mask address, and De-
fault Gateway address for the network interface.
7 Emulation
This shows all available emulations of the printer. The printer
is shipped from the factory with PCL 6 emulation selected as
the default.
8 Error Log
This shows the last three instances of the following four
types of errors, listing them in the order of their occurrence:
KPDL Error Press GO; Memory overflow Press GO;
Print overrun Press GO; File not found Press
GO. The most recent error is displayed on the top line of the
Error Log. For error remedies, see Maintenance Messages
on page 4-4. Error information is cleared when the printer’s
power is turned off.
9 Toner Gauge
This shows the approximate level of remaining toner. When
the value is 100, the toner container is full.
0 Interface Information
This information shows the default font and the default emu-
lation for all interfaces installed in the printer.
A KIR Test Pattern
KIR is the Kyocera’s original smoothing function. This test
pattern shows the effect of the KIR (Kyocera Image Refine-
ment) system.
2.2.3 e-MPS
e-MPS is an abbreviation for ‘enhanced-Multiple Printing Sys-
tem’ which implements the following functions that are available
from the printer driver:
• Job Retention
• Job Storage
In either job mode, when printing a document, the print data is
transferred from the computer to the printer then stored on the
printer’s hard disk. Since copies of the document are printed us-
ing the stored data, printing is performed faster with less compu-
ter spooling time and less network traffic.
To use the e-MPS system, an optional hard disk must be in-
stalled in the printer. For details, see Appendix D Option
Q Job Retention
Job Retention has four modes as summarized below. These
modes are selected when you choose on the printer driver
through the application software:
*Jobs in excess will cause the earlier ones to be deleted.
Quick Copy Proof-and-Hold
Primary function To later print addi-
tional copies
To proof the first
copy before printing
multiple copies
Storing started Printer driver Printer driver
Retrieved by Operator panel Operator panel
Default number of
copies printed at re-
Same as storing One less
Maximum number
of jobs stored*
32,expandable to
32,expandable to
PIN security No No
Data after printing Retained Retained
Data when power
Deleted Deleted
Private Print Stored Job
Primary function To hold the docu-
ment in printer to
prevent unauthor-
ized access
To electronically
store documents
such as fax cover
Storing started Printer driver Printer driver
Retrieved by Operator panel Operator panel
Default number of
copies printed at re-
Same as storing One
Maximum number
of jobs stored*
Private jobs are de-
leted automatically
once it is retrieved.
Depends on the
hard disk capacity
PIN security Yes Yes (Option)
Data after printing Deleted Retained
Data when power
Deleted Retained