8) In the Volume Information section, create a name for each partition, choose the volume format (Mac OS Extended, Mac
OS Standard or UNIX File System) and the volume size.
Important Info:
Please refer to section 7.1. File System Formats, for a more detailed discussion on the differences
between the two systems.
Important Info:
Apple recommends that unless you have a specific reason to use the UNIX File System (UFS), you
should use the Mac OS Extended format since it provides a more familiar experience to Macintosh users.
9) Once you have finalized the volume format, number of partitions, size and options, click OK. The following message will
appear: “Warning! Saving the new volume will erase all existing volumes. This can NOT be undone. Are you sure you want
to do that?” Click Partition to continue.
11) Mac OS 10.x will automatically setup the disk with the partitions and volume format you selected, and your new drive
will be available for use.
7. Helpful Information
page 34
LaCie SAFE mobile hard drive
User’s Manual