Recording Space: Watch and capture video from1.
a set-top box or camcorder
Movie Space: Play movies and recorded video2.
Photo Space: Watch and create photo slideshows3.
Music Space: Play and create your own playlists4.
Explorer Space: Manage all your fi les5.
Settings Space: Access main LaCinema Black RECORD settings6.
Important Buttons
Home Menu
2. Options/Settings button : This button is used to display
the available settings or actions in the different media spaces.
From the Home menu, this button will direct you to the
LaCinema’s main Settings menu. In other media spaces or
during playback, a contextual menu will be displayed with
available actions.
1. Mark button : This button is used to mark or unmark a
fi le or folder for future action, such as copy/paste or to create
a playlist in the different media spaces.
Once the item is marked, the selected item’s summary is
displayed with the number of fi les and total size.
You can display the list of marked items by pressing the
Options/Settings button and selecting Show Marked Item
List from the contextual menu.
The item’s list should then be cleared by selecting Unmark
Marker List from the contextual menu.
1 2
3. Play/Pause/OK button : This button has two main
functions, OK and Play/Pause. It allows you to confi rm a selection
and to start/pause playback in the different media spaces.
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