Device name
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
HTTP port
DHCP enabled
Use this field to supply a“friendly”name for the
device being configured.The friendly name is optional,and
can be chosen to provide a conveniently-remembered name for
the unit.
The IP address for the will identify the device
on the LAN on which it is located.Any conventional IP address can
be used.The ships with its default IP address
as;ensure that this IP address is available on the LAN
onto which the is being installed.
A subnet mask can be configured for the in
this dialog box;by default the has a subnet
mask of
Configure the IP address of the default gateway that the
will use when communicating with devices outside
its network segment.The default gateway is configurable as a 12
digit numeric address.
By default,the communicates on port number
80.A measure of increased security may be obtained by changing
this port number to a non-standard TCP port for HTTP
When installing the onto a network where IP
addresses are assigned by DHCP servers,please ensure that the
LAVA PayLink-
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial
LAVA PayLink-IP/Dial