Taking pictures
Using reference lines to assist composition
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Recording modes:
You can utilize the viewfinder or the monitor for still pictures to carefully and precisely
position your subject (the composition) along the reference lines.
The following guidelines can be used.
Guideline Description
[Rule of
Thirds Offset]
This composition creates a more interesting
photo by offsetting the subject from the center.
Example for an off-center positioned flower.
Example for an off-center positioned person.
This composition gives an alternate perspective
by aligning the subject along the diagonal lines.
This composition is intended to emphasize the
depth of long narrow subjects.
[Radiation 1]
This composition adds an expansive perspective
to your photo by aligning the subject along the
radial lines.
[Radiation 2]
[S-shape] This composition can enhance your photo by
drawing attention to wandering elements of the