Leica VT1200 and VT1200S – Microtome
5. Working with the Instrument
5.4.5 Inserting the Blade
• Insert a size 3 Allen key sideways into the
blade holder through the hole (8) and rotate it
90° clockwise.
Clamp the blade as follows:
• Insert the provided size 3 Allen key from the
top through the opening (10) into the blade
holder (11) and open the blade holder (BH).
• Hold the entire razor blade (9) (not separated)
on the left and right with both hands and in-
sert it into the blade holder – Hook in the blade
over bottom pressure plate (see Fig. 21).
• Clamp down the BH by turning the size 3 Allen
key clockwise until hand-tight.
5.4.6 Adjusting the Clearance Angle
• Insert a size 3 Allen key sideways into the
blade holder through the hole (8) and rotate it
to the desired clearance angle mark.
12 – 15° 13 – 18° 14 – 21°
The blade holder can be used for ra-
zor blades, injector blades and sap-
phire blades (universal blade holder).
Fig. 20
For 15°, the effective clearance angle
is "0".
The most commonly used setting is
18° (13).
12 13 14Fig. 22
Fig. 21
The clamping screw (11) on the blade
holder must not be tightened too much!
Now return the blade holder to the cutting position.
• To do so, insert a size 3 Allen key sideways
into the blade holder through the hole (8) and
rotate approx. 90° counterclockwise.
For more information about adjusting the clear-
ance angle, see Fig. 22.