Figure 49 - Remove Ash from Clean-Out Tee
Remove cover, then
remove ash
(Minimum Frequency
of 1-2 months)
Door Rope Gasket (All Models)
The condition of the rope gasket around the door and windows should be
checked periodically and replaced or repaired if necessary. A one-inch strip
of paper may be used to perform a test of the integrity of the door seal. Close
the door on the paper in at least eight points (see Figures 50 and 51). It is
normal to feel only a slight amount of friction. The door gasket does not need
to be “tight” in all areas, since a small amount of leakage is not hazardous
or detrimental to the performance of your stove.
Figure 50 - Checking Door Seal
Check seal at points
Frequency of 1 year)
Important Note: Paper should
be no wider than a dollar bill.
Figure 51 - Checking Door Seal
Frequency of 1 year)
Photoeye (All Models)
As a part of normal maintenance, buildup of pellet debris (fi nes) must be
periodically removed from the photoeye fi lter. This fi lter can be cleaned
by following either procedure (A) or (B) on this page:
Note: The photoeye views the fi re through a fi lter. The fi lter is located at
the top of the feed chute near the hopper (on the left side for Profi le
20 FS-2, and on the right side for models Profi le
30 FS-2 and Profi le
30 INS-2). This area should be cleaned periodically to prevent excessive
build-up, which may cause the stove to go into “fault” mode.
(A) Cleaning Photoeye Filter Without Removing it:
1. Open the front door to access the feed chute.
2. Remove the buildup on the fi lter as explained in either “a” or “b” below
(note: it may help to use a mirror and a fl ashlight to view the fi lter as
shown in the following picture):
Figure 52 - Use Mirror to View Filter
Feed Chute
a. Using a long soft bristled brush (i.e. artists brush), extend it
deep into the feed chute and sweep away any pellet fi nes (left
side Profi le 20 FS-2, right side Profi le 30-2 Series).
b. Canned compressed air can also be used to remove pellet debris
from the photoeye fi lter (use only canned compressed air such
as what can be commonly purchased at a computer or offi ce
supply store and some drug stores). Read and follow the instruc-
tions on the spray can. Attach the tube (straw) to the nozzle on
the canned air (a tube is commonly provided with compressed
air. It is similar in use to the tube supplied with WD-40, Spray
Lubricant). Spray the canned air deep into the feed chute until
all “fi nes” are removed (direct it to the left side for model Profi le
20 FS-2, and to the right side for the Profi le 30-2 Series).
Note: The photoeye lens should be inspected annually and cleaned if
necessary as shown in method (B).