Refueling *
1. Open the damper bypass control by pulling it toward
2. Set the primary air control set to high.
3. Open the door approximately 1/2 inch (13 mm),
then wait for about thirty seconds. Open the door
and add wood, then close the door.
4. If the optional temperature probe is used wait for a
reading of approximately 600 degrees, then close
the damper bypass control (push it in). If the op-
tional temperature probe is not used, wait approxi-
mately 10 minutes, and then close the bypass
damper control.
5. Adjust the primary air control to the desired setting.
h Depending on the type and size of the fuel load as
well as the length of time the stove has been burn-
ing, your catalytic combustor should operate be-
tween 1000 to 1800 degrees.
h (If the optional blower is installed) Ensure blower is
turned off during start-up and refueling, as it will af-
fect the accuracy of temperature probe reading.
* If the stove has been burning on a medium to high
burn rate for approximately 20 minutes or more, no re-
firing is necessary when refueling. Just open the by-
pass, set the primary air control to high, open the door
approximately 1/2 inch (1 cm), and wait for about thirty
seconds. Load the fuel, close the door, close the bypass
and set the primary air control to normal operation.
Temperatures within the firebox should be hot enough
to maintain the catalytic operation.
The operating handle of your bypass damper control is
located on the front of the stove flue collar. By moving
the bypass damper control, the operator can route the
fire either through the catalytic combustor (pushed in) or
directly up the flue (pulled out). When starting a fire or
refueling, the bypass damper control should be pulled
out. Once the fire is established, it should be pushed in.