
Snorkel Terminations
For installations requiring a vertical rise on the exterior of the building,
14-inch and 36-inch tall snorkel terminations are available. When us
ing a snorkel, the stove can be vented directly out the back. There is a
vent starter collar fastened to the stove (to vent straight out the back),
remove the four screws securing the collar, rotate the collar 180 degrees
and refasten using the same four screws. Make sure the gasket between
the collar and the stove is properly positioned before refastening the
collar. After rotating the collar, it will be positioned horizontally. When
this pipe passes through a wall, a wall thimble - Simpson part number
942or Security™ part number SV4RSM is required. The hole in the wall
for the wall thimble should be 9-1/4” wide by 10-1/4” high. To vent out
the rear wall, add up to a 12” section of pipe and then the snorkel. When
the stove is located in a corner of the room, to vent horizontally first
add a 45 degree elbow, then up to a 12” section of pipe and lastly the
snorkel. Installations using a snorkel have no restrictor installed in the
pipe (see Pages 13 and 14 for restrictor positioning). Follow the same
installation procedures as used for standard horizontal terminations. If
the snorkel termination must be installed below grade, (i. e. basement
application), proper drainage must be provided to prevent water from
entering the snorkel. Do not attempt to enclose the snorkel within the
wall, or any other type of enclosure. On vinyl siding, furring strips may
be used to ensure that the snorkel is not recessed into the siding.
Framed Hole: 9-1/4”
Wide by 10-1/4” High
Wall Thimble
Termination Cap
A Minimum of 18” Sec-
tion of Pipe
Wall Thimble
Framed Hole:
9-1/4”x 10-1/4”
Vertical Vent Installation
Important Notes
1. All vertically terminated vent installations use 6-5/8”x 4” Se-
curity™ Secure Vent™ pipe*.
2. If the vent passes through a ceiling or floor, a firestop - Simpson
#963 or Security™ #SV4BF - is required.
3. If the vent passes through the roof, a roof flashing - Simpson
#943 or 943S or Security™ #SV4FA or SV4FB - and storm collar
- Simpson #953 or Security™ #SV4FC - are required.
4. A 1-inch clearance from the vent pipe to combustible materials
must be maintained.
5. A maximum of either two 45º elbows or two 90º elbows may
be used. See diagrams showing allowable offsets.
6. The maximum system height is 30 feet and the minimum is 10
Pipe Length
Vertical Termination Cap
Storm Collar
Roof - Maintain 1”
Clearance to Combustibles
Ceiling Minimum
Framing 10”x 10”
Ceiling Firestop
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22