What Your Service Provider Will Do to Correct Problems
When you contact a Service Provider, you must follow the problem determination and
resolution procedures specified.
Your Service Provider will attempt to diagnose and resolve your problem over the telephone
or through remote assistance. Your Service Provider may direct you to download and install
designated software updates.
Some problems can be resolved with a replacement part that you install yourself (such as
keyboard, mouse, speaker, memory, hard disk drive, or port replicator), called a ″Customer
Replaceable Unit″ or ″CRU.″ If so, your Service Provider will ship the CRU to you for you to
If your problem cannot be resolved over the telephone or remotely, through your application
of software updates, or with a CRU, your Service Provider will arrange for service under the
type of warranty service designated for the product under the section titled “Warranty
Information” on page 23.
If your Service Provider determines that it is unable to repair your product, your Service
Provider will replace it with one that is at least functionally equivalent.
If your Service Provider determines that it is unable to either repair or replace your product,
your sole remedy is to return the product to your place of purchase or to Lenovo and your
purchase price will be refunded.
Exchange of a Product or Part
When the warranty service involves the exchange of a product or part, the item your Service
Provider replaces becomes Lenovo’s property and the replacement becomes yours. All
removed items must be genuine and unaltered. The replacement may not be new, but will be
in good working order and at least functionally equivalent to the item replaced. The
replacement assumes the warranty status of the replaced item.
Before your Service Provider exchanges a product or part, you agree to:
1. remove all features, parts, options, alterations, and attachments not under warranty
2. ensure that the product is free of any legal obligations or restrictions that prevent its
exchange; and
3. obtain authorization from the owner to have your Service Provider service a product that
you do not own.
Additional Responsibilities
Where applicable, before service is provided, you agree to:
1. follow the service request procedures that your Service Provider specifies;
20 Lenovo 3000 Safety and Warranty Guide