7347 Adapters and miscellaneous FRUs FRU # CRU
Speaker power brick - Hong Kong, EMEA (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A
91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R)
89P8573 1
Speaker power brick -Taiwan - Traditional Chinese (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M
91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R)
41A4905 1
Speaker power brick - India, South Africa (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q
91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R)
89P8585 1
Soft Modem V.90/V.44 - ATX (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B
91H 91V 91K 91R)
46R4220 1
Modem phone cable (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
39K5120 1
Thermal Grease Syringe (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H
91V 91K 91R)
91P8835 N
NVIDIA FX370 256MB 64BIT DMS59 LP Video card (models) 53Y6807 1
Dongle DMS-59 to single VGA & single DVI cable (models) 42Y8183 1
Dongle DMS-59 to dual VGA cable (models) 42Y8181 1
Dongle DMS-59 to dual DVI - I cable (models) 41X6398 1
New Casper DVI-D card low profile support HDCP (models) 43C0258 1
Display port to VGA dongle (models) 45J9524 1
7347 Power Cords (Primary) FRU # CRU
Power cord - US (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K
41R3184 1
Power cord - China (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3256 1
Power cord - Japan (models A1J 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3248 1
Power cord - Brazil (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3270 1
Power cord - LA High Volt (APU) (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C
91B 91H 91V 91K 91R)
41R3176 1
Power cord - Australia / New Zealand (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q
91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R)
41R3196 1
Power cord - Korea (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3260 1
Power cord - Hong Kong, UK, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei (models 91S 91P 91L
91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K 91R)
41R3224 1
Power cord - Taiwan (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3278 1
Power cord - Italy (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V 91K
41R3232 1
Power cord - A models (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3208 1
Power cord - Denmark (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H 91V
91K 91R)
41R3212 1
Power cord - Switzerland (models 91S 91P 91L 91D 91Y 91G 91M 91A 91Q 91C 91B 91H
91V 91K 91R)
41R3228 1
370 Hardware Maintenance Manual