Table 10. NIC LEDs
LED LED state Description
Left Off No network connection is in
Solid green Active network connection is
in place
Blinking green Transmit / receive activity is
Right Off 10 Mbps connection (if left
LED is on or blinking)
Solid green 100 Mbps connection
Solid amber 1000 Mbps connection
Audible alarms
The PSUs incorporate audible alarms, which indicate when a fault state is present.
A Voltage Out Of Range condition will activate the audible alarm.
The audible alarm can be muted by pressing the Enclosure ID button on the front
operator’s panel.
Alarm interpretation
The following table summarizes the various interpretations when combining LED
states and audible alarms. Use this table to help understand a pattern of lights and
beeps. Each light/beep is taken in turn and shows linked items, so some of the
data is duplicated in several places to make ease of search better.
Note: There will be no beep if the enclosure is muted.
Table 11. Light and buzzer interpretations
LED/buzzer State Related Meaning Action
Front operator's panel
fault light
Off - No warnings or
None - all OK
Slow blink (0.5
seconds on, 3.5
seconds off)
Slow beep (half
second beep every
8 seconds). No fan/
drive lights lit
constant. No beep if
Warning state -
usually approaching
Check ambient
temperature and
increase if too cold or
decrease if too hot. If
this does not work,
check for fan failure
that has a broken
light, too.
Slow beep. Fan light
constant. No beep if
Fan broken or out of
Replace lit fan.
Slow beep. Fan light
constant. No beep if
Drive fault Replace drive
26 User Guide