Recovering from a POST and BIOS update failure
If the power to your computer is interrupted while the POST and BIOS are being updated, your computer
might not restart correctly. If this happens, perform the following procedure to recover from the POST and
BIOS update failure. This procedure is commonly called Boot-block Recovery.
1. Remove all media from the drives and turn off all attached devices and the computer. Then, disconnect
all power cords from electrical outlets and disconnect all cables that are connected to the computer.
2. Remove the computer cover. See “Removing the server cover” on page 33.
3. Locate the Clear CMOS /Recovery jumper on the system board. See “Locating parts on the system
board” on page 26.
4. Remove any cables that impede access to the Clear CMOS /Recovery jumper.
5. Move the jumper from the standard position (pin 1 and pin 2) to the maintenance position (pin 2 and
pin 3).
6. Reconnect any cables that were disconnected and reinstall the PCI card if removed.
7. Reinstall the computer cover and reconnect the power cords for the computer and monitor to electrical
outlets. See “Completing the parts replacement” on page 66.
8. Turn on the computer and then insert the POST and BIOS update (ash update) disc into the optical
drive. The recovery session begins. The recovery session will take two to three minutes. During this
time, you will hear a series of beeps.
9. After the recovery session is completed, the series of beeps will end, and the system will automatically
turn off. Remove the disc from the optical drive before the system completely turns off.
10. Repeat step 1 through step 4.
11. Move the Clear CMOS /Recovery jumper back to the standard position (pin 1 and pin 2).
12. Reconnect any cables that were disconnected and reinstall the PCI card if removed.
13. Reinstall the computer cover and reconnect any cables that were disconnected.
14. Turn on the computer to restart the operating system.
104 ThinkServer TS130 Hardware Maintenance Manual