1. About this guide
Congratulations on your purchase of this outstanding LevelOne VoIP SIP
This guide is to cover the settings for VOI-1110 with 1-FXS port, VOI-2110 with
2-FXS port, VOI-2100 with 1-FXS/1-FXO port, and VOI-4100 with 4-FXS port.
Please refer to below messages to choose those setting instructions that are
related to the model purchased.
(a) For VOI-1110 with 1-FXS and VOI-2110 with 2-FXS , they are
almost with the same setting instructions. The only difference is that
1-FXS model has only ONE Line (Line1) for setting in the User
Interface (UI), SIP Configuration – Gateway settings.
(b) For VOI-2100 with 1-FXS/1-FXO model, it has one extra setting UI
for FXO port. Please refer to Appendix B for setting instructions.
(c) For VOI-4100 with 4-FXS model, it does not have LAN port. Please
disregard the UI for LAN settings and for WAN – MAC Spoofing
Configuration. And, you will find FOUR Lines (Line 1 to Line 4) for
settings in the UI, SIP Configuration – Gateway settings.
For the SIP settings in this manual, we use the compatible settings with FWD,
This manual is subject to changed without notice if the settings of FWD are
revised or by any other factors. Please visit www.freeworlddialup.com
for more
setting information or visit www.level1.com for product update information.
LevelOne is not affiliated with FWD. The LevelOne VoIP SIP Gateway also
works with majority of other SIP proxy service.