Advanced Configuration
Allow Configu-
• If checked, then UPnP users can change the configuration.
• If Disabled, UPnP users can only view the configuration. But
currently, this restriction only applies to users running Windows
XP, who access the Properties via UPnP. (e.g. Right - click the
LevelOne Broadband Router in My Network Places, and select
Allow Internet
access to be
• If checked, then UPnP users can disable Internet access via this
• If Disabled, UPnP users can NOT disable Internet access via this
device. But currently, this restriction only applies to users running
Windows XP, who access the Properties via UPnP. (e.g. Right -
click the LevelOne Broadband Router in My Network Places, and
select Properties)
MTU size
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) value should only be changed if
advised to do so by Technical Support.
• Enter a value between 1 and 1500.
• This device will still auto-negotiate with the remote server, to set
the MTU size. The smaller of the 2 values (auto-negotiated, or en-
tered here) will be used.
• For direct connections (not PPPoE or PPTP), the MTU used is
always 1500.