
3. Server IP Address: the IP address of the L2TP server.
4. L2TP Account and Password: the account and password your ISP assigned to you. If you don't
want to change the password, keep it empty.
Maximum Idle Time: the time of no activity to disconnect your L2TP session. Set it to zero or enable
Auto-reconnect to disable this feature. If Auto-reconnect is enabled, this product will automatically
connect to ISP after system is restarted or connection is dropped. Virtual Computers
Virtual Computer enables you to use the original NAT feature, and allows you to setup the one-to-one
mapping of multiple global IP address and local IP address.
Global IP: Enter the global IP address assigned by your ISP.
Local IP: Enter the local IP address of your LAN PC corresponding to the global IP address.
Enable: Check this item to enable the Virtual Computer feature.