Quickset Button (Bindery)
The Quickset button on the previous screen will configure the NetWare server using default
values derived from the default name, as shown on the following example.
Figure 12: Bindery Quickset
This screen displays the name the selected LevelOne Printer Server, and the following
information for each port:
Printer - the NetWare printer object which will be created on the current server.
Queue - the NetWare queue associated with the Printer Object. This queue will be serviced
by the current LevelOne Printer Server, with print jobs being sent to the port shown.
Change the default values if you wish, then click Setup to create these objects on the
NetWare server.
NetWare Configuration Button (Bindery)
Clicking the NetWare Configuration button will reveal one of the following screens,
depending on the number of servers:
If you have multiple File Servers:
Figure 13: Assigning Additional File Servers
• This screen allows you to set the LevelOne Printer Server to service additional file
servers. Normally, the LevelOne Printer Server will service only the Master File
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