Quickset Button (NDS)
The Quickset button on the screen above will configure the NetWare server with default
values based on the default name of the LevelOne Printer Server.
You will see a screen like the following example.
Figure 62: NDS Quickset
Change the default values if you wish, then click Setup to create these objects on the
NetWare server.
The configuration data will be saved to the NetWare server and the LevelOne Printer Server.
NetWare Configuration Button (NDS)
Clicking this button will reveal the following screen.
Figure 63: NetWare Configuration (NDS PS mode)
The NetWare Print Server name is shown at the top of the screen.
The options available are:
• Printer - Create Printer Objects, assign Printer Queues, and assign users to Queues
(Required). See the following section for details.
• Operator - Assign Operators to the NetWare Print Server object. (Optional)
These operators will then have permission to manage the NetWare Print Server object.
The screen is identical to Figure 67: Assign Operators to Queue (NDS PS mode)
Note: Operator assignment has no effect on the LevelOne Printer Server. This facility
is provided only for the convenience of NetWare administrators.
• User - Assign Users to the NetWare Print Server object. (Optional)
These users will then be able to view the status of the NetWare Print Server object.
This is optional; printing requires only that users be assigned to queues, not to the
NetWare Print Server. The screen for assigning users to a NetWare Print Server is
identical to Figure 66: Assign Users to Queue (NDS PS mode)
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