Using the 20/20 AD
20/20 AD User Guide
0.0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k
Plot of noise + distortion vs. frequency for the 20/20 AD in 2-
channel mode with a -60dBfs sinewave at 1kHz.
20/20 AD in 2-channel mode, truncated to 16 bits without
dither. Note harmonic distortion (spikes at multiples of 1kHz)
and elevated noise floor.
WIDE dither is added before truncation. Noise floor is ele-
vated further, but harmonic distortion is removed.
0.0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k
0.0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k
HF dither is added before truncation. Noise floor in audio
range is lowered by 3dB — at the expense of increased noise
above 20kHz.
0.0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k 22.0k 24.0k
20BIT dither is added before truncation. This is similar to HF
dither, but at a lower level. The dither reduces spurious tones
(low-level spikes visible in the first plot) at the expense of a
slightly elevated noise floor.
PONS dither. Noise floor is down almost to the untruncated
level in the critical band (2-4kHz), but significantly increased
at high frequencies.
0.0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k
0.0 2.00k 4.00k 6.00k 8.00k 10.0k 12.0k 14.0k 16.0k 18.0k 20.0k 22.0k 24.0k