Note on External Noise
Output Levels menu.
The INTERNAL NOISE TEST automatically disconnects all audio and
video inputs, disables any EQ functions, centers the Balance controls, and
sets the system volume to +00dB. The test signal circles the room according
to the speaker configuration you have defined in the Speaker Configuration
menu. For a full complement of speakers, the order is: Left Front, Center,
Right Front, Right Side, Left Side, Subwoofer, Right Rear, Left Rear.
The EXTERNAL NOISE TEST loads the Pro Logic, Dolby Digital or DTS
Music effect and uses the signal from the currently selected input for
Once a test source is selected, a sub-menu showing each output level is
displayed. Use the ▲ and ▼ buttons to highlight an output for adjustment.
Press SELECT to stop the cycling of the noise signal, then use ▲ and ▼ to
adjust the selected output level in precise 0.5dB increments from -10dB to
NOTE: If any of the amplifiers in
your system have output level con-
trols, their settings will affect the
balance of the DC-1 outputs. Gen-
erally, the gain controls of these
amps should be set prior to DC-1
Output Level calibration. You
should record the values of these
controls for later reference.
Using a Sound Pressure Level Meter such as Radio Shack model 33-2050 or
33-2055, set the weighting to C and the response to Slow. Adjust all output
levels to achieve 75dB at the listening position.
In the absence of an SPL meter, it is possible to set the output level by ear.
Use the internal noise generator in the DC-1 to adjust all volumes to be the
same as they cycle around the various speakers. Depending on timbre
variations between your speakers, this may be difficult to judge — get as
close as you can. The system should be reasonably well balanced, although
not actually calibrated for precise playback and level matching. With the
system volume at 0dB, the internal noise source should be at the same level
at which film dialog sounds comfortable.
When using the external noise calibration, the DC-1 will load the factory
default effect for the format of the incoming signal. In other words, if a PCM
signal is coming into the DC-1 when external noise is engaged, the DC-1 will
load the PRO LOGIC effect with the factory preset settings. If a Dolby