waste toner bottle 211
Supply needed to complete job 285
supply notifications
configuring 240
supported flash drives 72
supported paper sizes 63
finisher 67
supported paper types 66
finisher 67
supported paper weights 66
finisher 67
TCP/IP menu 131
notices 342, 343, 344, 345
The device is operating in safe
mode. Some print options may be
disabled or provide unexpected
results. 285
the scanner does not respond 332
card stock 58
labels, paper 59
on using envelopes 58
transparencies 60
tips on using envelopes 58
tips on using letterhead 59
toner cartridge
ordering 211
replacing 221
toner cartridges
recycling 201
toner darkness
adjusting 71
Too many flash options installed
[58] 285
Too many trays attached [58] 285
touch screen
buttons 18
transfer module
replacing 230
transfer roller
replacing 233
copying on 77
tips 60
Tray [x] paper size
unsupported 286
linking 56, 57
loading 51
unlinking 56, 57
an application error has
occurred 333
cannot open Embedded Web
Server 333
checking an unresponsive
printer 287
contacting customer support 334
fax and e‑mail functions are not
set up 326
solving basic printer
problems 287
the scanner does not respond 332
troubleshooting, copy
copier does not respond 320
partial document or photo
copies 320
poor copy quality 321
poor scanned image quality 329
scanner unit does not close 331
troubleshooting, display
printer display is blank 289
troubleshooting, fax
caller ID is not shown 322
can receive but not send
faxes 325
can send but not receive
faxes 326
cannot send or receive a fax 323
received fax has poor print
quality 327
troubleshooting, paper feed
message remains after jam is
cleared 293
troubleshooting, print
envelope seals when printing 295
error reading flash drive 295
held jobs do not print 294
incorrect characters print 296
incorrect margins on prints 304
jammed pages are not
reprinted 292
job prints from wrong tray 296
job prints on wrong paper 296
jobs do not print 299
Large jobs do not collate 297
multiple‑language PDF files do not
print 297
paper curl 305
paper frequently jams 293
print job takes longer than
expected 298
tray linking does not work 300
unexpected page breaks
occur 300
troubleshooting, print quality
blank pages 306
characters have jagged edges 301
clipped pages or images 301
gray background on prints 303
horizontal voids appear on
prints 303
print irregularities 307
print is too dark 309
print is too light 310
printer is printing solid black
pages 307
repeating defects appear on
prints 311
shadow images appear on
prints 312
skewed print 313
streaked horizontal lines appear
on prints 314
streaked vertical lines 315
toner fog or background shading
appears on prints 316
toner rubs off 317
toner specks appear on prints 317
transparency print quality is
poor 318
uneven print density 318
white streaks on a page 318
troubleshooting, printer options
internal option is not
detected 289
internal print server 290
Internal Solutions Port 290
tray problems 291
USB/parallel interface card 292
troubleshooting, scan
cannot scan from a computer 329
partial document or photo
scans 329
scan job was not successful 330
scanner unit does not close 331
scanning takes too long or freezes
the computer 331
two‑sided copying 79
Index 363