Menu item Description
Profiles List
Prints a list of profiles stored in the printer
Print Fonts
Prints a report of all the fonts available for the printer language currently set in
the printer
Print Defects
Prints a repeating defects page used as a diagnostic tool for identifying print
Note: Should be printed on letter- or A4-size paper. If printed on smaller paper,
the content will be clipped.
Print Demo
Prints a resident demonstration page
Asset Report
Prints a report containing asset information including the printer serial number
and model name. The report contains text and UPC barcodes that can be
scanned into an asset database.
Active NIC menu
Menu item Description
Active NIC
List of networks
Shows the print server
Note: This menu is available only for network models or printers attached to print
Network menu
Menu item Description
PCL SmartSwitch
Sets the printer to automatically switch to PCL emulation when a print job requires
it, regardless of the default printer language
• On is the factory default setting.
• When the Off setting is used, the printer does not examine incoming data.
• When the Off setting is used, the printer uses PostScript emulation if PS
SmartSwitch is set to On. It uses the default printer language specified in the
Setup menu if PS SmartSwitch is set to Off.
PS SmartSwitch
Sets the printer to automatically switch to PS emulation when a print job requires
it, regardless of the default printer language
• On is the factory default setting.
• When the Off setting is used, the printer does not examine incoming data.
• When the Off setting is used, the printer uses PCL emulation if PCL SmartSwitch
is set to On. It uses the default printer language specified in the Setup menu
if PCL SmartSwitch is set to Off.
Understanding printer menus