disposing of printer hard disk 242
distinctive ring service, fax
connecting to 135
documents, printing
from Macintosh 94
from Windows 94
DSL filter 126
duplexing 105
Eco‑Mode setting 238
Edit Security Setups menu 180
embedded solutions information
erasing 243
Embedded Web Server
accessing 21
administrator settings 264
checking the status of parts 250
checking the status of
supplies 250
creating a fax destination
shortcut 139
creating an FTP shortcut 145
creating e‑mail shortcuts 114
initial fax setup 121
modifying confidential print
settings 99
networking settings 264
problem accessing 361
scanning to a computer using 148
setting up e‑mail alerts 264
Embedded Web Server — Security:
Administrator's Guide
where to find 264
Embedded Web Server — Security:
Administrator’s Guide
where to find 245
notices 365, 369, 370, 374, 375
Empty the hole punch box 298
emptying the hole punch box 249
encrypting the printer hard
disk 244
enlarging a copy 106
loading 76
tips on using 84
environmental settings
conserving supplies 237
display brightness, adjusting 239
Eco‑Mode 238
Hibernate mode 239
Quiet Mode 238
Sleep Mode 239
Erase Temporary Data Files
menu 183
erasing hard disk memory 243
erasing non‑volatile memory 243
erasing volatile memory 242
Error reading USB drive. Remove
USB. 298
Error reading USB hub. Remove
hub. 298
Ethernet network
preparing to set up for Ethernet
printing 53
Ethernet port 50
Ethernet setup
preparing for an 53
exporting a configuration
using the Embedded Web
Server 27
EXT port 50
exterior of the printer
cleaning 246
canceling 117
e‑mail alerts
low supply levels 264
paper jam 264
setting up 264
e‑mail function
setting up 113
e‑mail options
advanced options 119
darkness 118
message 117
original size 117
page setup 119
recipient(s) 117
resolution 118
Save As Shortcut 118
send as 118
subject 117
e‑mail screen
options 117, 119
E‑mail Settings menu 208
e‑mail shortcuts, creating
using the Embedded Web
Server 114
e‑mail, sending
using a shortcut number 115
using the address book 116
adding message line 116
adding subject line 116
changing output file type 116
configuring e‑mail settings 113
creating shortcuts using the
Embedded Web Server 114
creating shortcuts using the
printer control panel 114
setting up e‑mail function 113
using a shortcut number 115
using the address book 116
using the printer control
panel 115
factory defaults
restoring 266
sending 137, 138
sending at a scheduled time 138
fax and e‑mail functions
setting up 355
fax and e‑mail functions are not set
up 355
fax log
viewing 140
Fax memory full 298
Fax Mode (Analog Fax Setup)
menu 200
fax name, setting 135
fax number, setting 135
fax options
advanced options 144
content source 143
content type 143
darkness 143
delayed send 143
page setup 143
resolution 142
scan preview 143
Fax partition inoperative. Contact
system administrator. 298
fax port 50
Fax server 'To Format' not set up.
Contact system administrator. 299
fax setup
country‑ or region‑specific 130
digital telephone service 129
DSL connection 126
standard telephone line
connection 122
Index 383