285Appendix - TN3270e IDB Commands: List of Commands
List of
Larger numbers indicate higher precedence.
Precedence Command Comments
5 <CSC>HEXDUMP Enter hex-dump mode (small format)
5 <CSC>HEXDUMP_FULL Enter hex-dump mode (large format)
5 <CSC>IDB_EDIT Enter IDB edit mode
5 <CSC>IDB_PRINT Dump IDB (small format)
5 <CSC>IDB_PRINT_FULL Dump IDB (large format)
5 <CSC>L{xx} Reserved, active if option 31 = 0
5 <CSC>W{xx} Reserved, active if option 31 = 0
5 <CSC>NOHEXDUMP Exit hex dump mode
5 <CSC>O{xx} Reserved, active if option 31 = 0
5 <CSC>REG Dump House Keep information
5 <CSC>/... Enter Intermate transparent mode
5 <CSC>= Reserved, active if option 31 = 0
5 <CSC>+M Suppress format control codes
5 <CSC>-M Standard handling of format control codes
5 <CSC>{XY}.... Enter special transparent mode (X = option 171, Y = option 172)
3 <CSC>{X}YYY[,ZZZ] <CSC> Formatted string (X = Option 168, YYY = String #, ZZZ = Parameters)