291Appendix - COR/APO Logic (TN5250e): Details
The previously mentioned "screen dump" will use the default printer
profile on the AS/400 or iSeries for the device. On the AS/400 or
iSeries it is possible to affect the system print parameters in the FCB
by changing the printer file containing default settings for the device.
This is done by either changing the existing system printer file
QSYSPRT (CHGPRTF FILE(QSYSPRT)) or creating your own printer
file (CRTPRTF). Please consult your AS/400 or iSeries manuals for
information on this subject. Defining the printer file to make the COR
is normally done in connection with IPDS page printers as these
printers do not support the APO/COR function.
If the APO/COR is disabled (CORDRW 1/2 = OFF), the STO com-
mand will control the rotation of the printout. This means that if a
landscape print job controlled by the STO command is received, and
this is followed by a print job without the STO command, then the
second job is affected by the STO command received with the first
job. The result is a landscape printout. This is the only way an origi-
nal IBM 3812 can operate. However, a default page orientation can
be set with the ORTDRW # option. Refer to section “Def Page Ori 1
(IDB Option 121)” on page 199 and to section “Def Page Ori 2 (IDB
Option 122)” on page 200 for paper tray 1 and 2, respectively.