Humidity ranges
Printer model Operating value Shipping value Storage value (unpacked)
X860de, X862de, X862dte, X864de, X864dhe 8–80%* 5–95% 5–80%
W850n, W850dn 8–80%* 5–95% 5–80%
* Approaching 32°C (90°F), the maximum relative humidity is 60%.
Altitude specifications and atmospheric pressure
Altitude specifications
Altitude (above sea level)
Printer model Operating Shipping/Storage
X860de, X862de, X862dte, X864de, X864dhe 0–3048 m(10,000 ft.) 0.25 atmospheric pressure (equal to 10,300 m
[34,000 ft.]
W850n, W850dn 0–3048 m(10,000 ft.) 0.25 atmospheric pressure (equal to 10,300 m
[34,000 ft.]
Atmospheric pressure
74.6 kPa
Printer specifications