
Display & Monitors
The center instrument cluster Multi-information Display
showsa simplified representation of theapproximate
flow ofenergy within LexusHybrid Drive.
The display does not show all ofthe components ofthe system.
The vehicle is being primarily driven by the engine.
• The arrow pointsaway fromthe engine and thento the wheel.
The level of hybridbatterycharge, circled inred, willbe shown by the
amount of solid bars withinthe battery image.
The vehicle is being driven by the hybrid battery.
• The arrow pointsaway fromthe hybrid battery and thento the wheel.
The vehicle is being driven by both the engine and the hybrid
• The arrows point away from thehybrid battery and the engineand then
to the wheel.
The vehicle is coasting or slowing down, regenerating
electricity and charging the hybrid battery.
• The arrow pointsaway fromthe wheel and thento the hybridbattery.
The vehicle is stopped and the hybrid battery is not being
• No arrows are displayed.
To show the Energy Monitor display, press the“DISP.”
button located onthe steering wheel, until you reach the
Energy Monitor display. It may be necessary to press the
button more than once toreach this display.
LS 600h L
Hybrid Battery Low:
Hybrid Battery Full:
• The top bar may not appear
exceptafter driving down
long mountaingrades.