The normal expected life of a catalyst (catalytic com-
bustor) is 10,000 to 12,000 hours if the appliance is op-
erated correctly and proper fuels are used. If the cata-
lyst has been deactivated, it should be replaced. Symp-
toms of deactivation include – noticeably darker smoke
exiting chimney and less heat output. If these symp-
toms remain after normal maintenance or a major
cleaning (see Catalytic Combustor on this page for
cleaning instructions), the catalyst, p/n 14000 will re-
quire replacement. Also, if the catalyst is broken and /
or missing large pieces, it should be replaced.
Note: The catalyst does not need to be glowing to be
working. It will glow at times, but it can work very effec-
tively at temperatures well below the 1000° F level (at
which it will begin to glow).
Stove Operation if Catalyst Is Deactivated
– It is safe
to operate the appliance temporarily with a deactivated
catalyst (although it will be out of compliance with EPA
certification requirements). To operate, follow normal
lighting and refueling procedures as outlined in this
manual with one of the following exceptions.
• During start-up, disregard catalytic temperature
probe reading to determine when to close bypass
damper control. Instead allow 20-25 minutes, then
close the bypass damper control.
• During refueling, disregard catalytic temperature
probe reading to determine when to close bypass
damper control. Instead allow 3-5 minutes after re-
fueling, then close the bypass damper control.
This appliance has been designed with a catalytic com-
bustor, which will improve its overall performance. Re-
moving the combustor assembly for cleaning and rein-
stallation is simple and convenient. Cleaning the com-
bustor helps reduce buildup of ash and retarding chemi-
cals. To clean the combustor, a soft brush, vacuum
cleaner, or pipe cleaner may be used.
Cleaning the combustor once a year, preferably when
your flue system is serviced, is sufficient for most users.
Reinstall the combustor according to the following in-
The catalytic activity and effectiveness of a two to three
year old combustor can be improved by following this
Major Cleaning Procedure - Soak the combustor in a
hot cleaning solution of a 50/50 mixture of white vinegar
and distilled water for 30 minutes. Then rinse by soak-
ing in hot distilled water. After 15 minutes, remove the
combustor from the rinse water and gently shake out
excess water. It is unlikely that you will notice a visible
difference in the combustor after this cleaning proce-
dure. The combustor unit is fragile in comparison to the
rest of the stove, so handle with care.
1. Place the combustor on the tunnel baffle as shown
in illustration (ceramic honeycomb to the back and
louvered slots to the front). Push it back into the tun-
nel baffle until it hits the positioning stops. Make sure
it is sitting flat against the bottom and the sides so
that it does not tilt forward and jump the positioning
2. Position combustor clip over the middle of the sec-
ondary air tube as illustrated. Make sure that one of
the holes in the secondary air tube is centered in the
½” (13 mm) hole on the clip. You can feel with your
3. Tighten screw snugly, but do not over-tighten or you
may spread the clip apart.
Side Cut-Away View of Firebox
Air Tube
Use 7/16” Socket. Tighten
Snug (Do Not Overtighten)
Retainer Clip
Air Tube